Support during the school year

From resources to drill ideas, support is available for Hockey Canada Skills Academies across the country.

Shannon Coulter

School is back in session, and that means another Hockey Canada Skills Academy (HCSA) season is underway. As students return to the classroom and to the ice this school year, here are a few resources instructors can incorporate into their HCSA curriculums.

Skills and Drills

The Hockey Canada Network app gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available on the app, with more added throughout the season.

Drill Hub is another resource available to instructors to find skills and drills for students. It is a free resource for coaches and instructors to access hundreds of drills and videos. There are also pre-made practice plans available to download, along with templates for game rosters, player stats, scouting reports and more.

Looking for more drill inspiration? Hockey Canada will frequently post skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the hashtag #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

Coaching Certification

All HCSA lead instructors need to be certified in the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders program. They also need to have the Coach 2 – Coach Level from the National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) or, at a minimum, be trained in two of these instructional stream clinics: skating, developing defencemen, skills or small-area games.

However, there are opportunities to expand coaching certification to a higher level, including taking more instructional stream clinics or NCCP coaching programs such as Development 1 or High Performance 1. Hockey Canada’s coaching web page explains the difference between the levels and provides example coaching pathways. Instructors should connect with their Hockey Canada Member for more information on higher-level coaching certification.

HCSA Members

For more resources, be sure to log into the HCSA account on Once logged in, instructors will have access to the HCSA curriculum, practice plans for on- and off-ice activities, support tips and links to previous HCSA seminars.

With over 150 HCSAs across the country, it is encouraged to reach out to lead instructors at other schools to share insights and tips. Local hockey associations in the area can be another great resource as lesson plans are finalized. For further support throughout the school year, contact Drew McLaughlin, manager of Member engagement and school programs.