It’s possible that an ad-blocker is interfering with the video player. Disable the ad-blocker and try again. If issues persist, please see the additional troubleshooting steps below.
This generally occurs when the live stream venue is having internet connectivity issues. Try refreshing the page in a few minutes to see if these issues have been resolved.
There could be a number of causes resulting in slow or interrupted video playback. In general, if you’re connecting over Wi-Fi and experiencing constant rebuffering or other issues during playback, try moving your router to another location and away from other devices that may cause electrical interference.
Being able to balance on one foot is a fundamental skating skill. As with the basic stance, the player must keep the knees and ankles flexed to maintain balance. However, all of the player’s weight will be transferred to the one foot remaining on the ice. Make sure the stick is out in front of the body so it cannot be used as a means of support.
Once players can balance on one foot, they can progress to jumping up and down.
Keeping constant flexion in the knee will help to develop greater agility and leg strength.