Charlottetown offers a wide selection of athlete-friendly and event-friendly accommodations. From hotels
to world-class inns, there are 1,500 guestrooms in the Greater Charlottetown area ready to welcome family,
friends, fans, VIPs, sponsors and media.
Many of the accommodations in Charlottetown are within easy walking distance of the entire city centre,
including the shopping district, historic Charlottetown waterfront, historic sites, evening entertainment,
and numerous parks.
The Delta Prince Edward is the official host hotel for all teams participating in the 2009 World
Sledge Hockey Challenge.
As the only waterfront hotel in Charlottetown, the four-and-a-half-star Delta Prince Edward offers
all the comforts and amenities of a business hotel, with the relaxing ambiance of a resort location.
For more information on the Delta Prince Edward, please visit:
For more information on other accommodations located in Charlottetown, please visit: