2010-11 National Women's Team

Athlete Ambassador, Russia

Team Canada: 1997-2010 (National Women's Team), 1998-2000 (National Women's Under-22 Team) 

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2010 Gold, 2006 Gold, 2002 Gold, 1998 Silver) … IIHF World Women's Championship (2009 Silver, 2008 Silver, 2007 Gold, 2005 Silver, 2004 Gold, 2001 Gold, 2000 Gold, 1999 Gold) … 3/4 Nations Cup (2008 Silver, 2007 Gold, 2006 Gold, 2005 Gold, 2003 Silver, 2001 Gold, 2000 Gold, 1999 Gold, 1997 Silver)

Why have you joined AMP?: "It's been a thrill to see how much the game of women's hockey has grown. I've always said the greatest honour of being involved with the game is the chance to share our experiences. This is an exciting opportunity to share with other countries, with the goal of having a real positive impact on their programs."

Athlete Ambassador, Slovakia

Team Canada: 2001-2007 (National Women's Team), 1999-2001 (National Women's Under-22 Team)

Medals won: IIHF World Women's Championship (2005 Silver, 2004 Gold, 2001 Gold) … 4 Nations Cup (2007 Gold, 2005 Gold, 2004 Gold, 2003 Silver, 2001 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "The sport of hockey has guided my path in life. Having recently retired, I would like to stay involved in the sport by sharing my experiences and passion to help develop women's hockey worldwide. The investment from the IIHF to proactively develop women's hockey is a new step and I would like to help make it as successful as possible."

Athlete Ambassador, Switzerland

Team Canada: 1993-2005 (National Women's Team)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2002 Gold, 1998 Silver) … IIHF World Women's Championship (2004 Gold, 2001 Gold, 2000 Gold, 1999 Gold, 1997 Gold, 1994 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "To help elevate competitiveness of women's hockey at international level and ensure women's hockey maintains its rightful place on the Olympic program, now and well into the future."



Coach Mentor, Norway

Team Canada: 1992-present (various roles with the National Women's Team, National Women's Under-22 Team and National Women's Under-18 Team; currently head scout of Hockey Canada's women's national team programs)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2010 Gold, 2006 Gold, 2002 Gold) … IIHF World Women's Championship (2009 Silver, 2007 Gold, 2005 Silver, 2001 Gold, 2000 Gold, 1994 Gold) … IIHF World Women's Under-18 Championship (2008 Silver) … 3/4 Nations Cup (2009 Gold, 2008 Silver, 2005 Gold, 2004 Gold, 2000 Gold) … Pacific Rim Championship (1996 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "To help grow the game around the world."

Athlete Ambassador, France

Team Canada: 2001-2010 (National Women's Team), 2000-2004 (National Women's Under-22 Team)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2010 Gold, 2006 Gold) … IIHF World Women's Championship (2009 Silver, 2008 Silver, 2007 Gold , 2005 Silver, 2004 Gold,  2001 Gold) … 4 Nations Cup (2009 Gold, 2008 Silver, 2007 Gold, 2006 Gold, 2005 Gold, 2004 Gold, 2003 Silver, 2002 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "I truly believe that this program has the ability to help grow the game worldwide. I was honoured to be asked to be a part of its mentorship group and feel that it is a great opportunity for me to help athletes who aspire to play the game at its highest levels."

Coach Mentor, Czech Republic

Team Canada: 1983-85, 1990, 1991, 1998-99 (Player); 1998-99, 2003-04, 2009-10 (Coach)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2010 Gold) … Spengler Cup (2003 Gold, 1998 Gold) … IIHF World Championship (1991 Silver, 1985 Silver)

Why have you joined AMP?: "Love hockey. Love coaching."




Coach Mentor, Russia

Team Canada: 1991-1998 (National Women's Team)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (1998 Silver) … IIHF World Women's Championship (1997 Gold, 1994 Gold, 1992 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "I believe in the vision of the mentorship program, as it is consistent with what we have been doing at the University of Minnesota Duluth since the fall of 1998. Our approach is the global development of the women's game using a holistic approach. We have recruited and coached 22 Olympians from many different countries, hoping to help grow the international game and win NCAA championships. I also joined this mentorship program because I was the first female head coach of a national team and the only female head coach at the 1998 Olympic Games. I think it is important that those of us that have been invested since the beginning be involved in continuing to grow the game and have a positive influence on the direction of our game."

Coach Mentor, Switzerland

Team Canada: 2004-06 (Coach, National Women's Team); 2010, 2003-04, 2000 (Coach, National Women's Under-22 Team); 1994,1992,1990 (Player, National Women's Team)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2006 Gold) … IIHF World Women's Championship (2005 Silver, 1994 Gold, 1992 Gold, 1990 Gold) … 4 Nations Cup (2005 Gold, 2004 Gold) … Air Canada/MLP Cup (2010 Gold, 2004 Gold, 2003 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "I want to give back as much as possible to make the game and opportunities better for others. It is a critical moment in the women's game and I want to make sure I do what I can to help grow it at home and in other nations."

Coach Mentor, Slovakia

Team Canada: 1990, 1992 (National Women's Team), 2008-2009 (National Women's Under-18 Team)

Medals won: IIHF World Women's Championship (1992 Gold, 1990 Gold) … IIHF World Women's Under-18 Championship (2009 Silver, 2008 Silver)

Why have you joined AMP?: "Mel Davidson asked me if I was interested and I immediately said yes. I believe it's important to 'give back' to the game and contribute to 'making a difference' where ever you can. I have been fortunate to have participated at many different levels, learning as much or more than I have given back. I enjoy the mentoring and teaching part of the game and this is a unique opportunity to volunteer at a high level, travel and see the world, and to contribute in a significant manner to the ongoing development of the women's game."

Coach Mentor, France

Team Canada: 1996-2002 (National Women's Team)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2002 Gold, 1998 Silver) … IIHF World Women's Championship (2001 Gold, 1999 Gold, 1997 Gold) … 3/4 Nations Cup (2000 Gold, 1998 Gold, 1996 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "I have been pushing this kind of project since the first Olympic Games – it took time, but it is happening."



Athlete Ambassador, Germany

Team Canada: 1994-2002 (National Women's Team)  

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (1998 Silver) … IIHF World Women's Championship (1999 Gold, 1997 Gold) … 3/4 Nations Cup (2000 Gold, 1996 Gold) … Pacific Rim Championship (1996 Gold, 1995 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "I'm very excited and grateful for this wonderful opportunity to help the future of our game. I have seen our game grow in Canada tremendously and I think it's essential that we have a program like this to share our experiences and help our game globally."

Coach Mentor, France

Team Canada: 1990-99 (National Women's Team) 

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (1998 Silver) … IIHF World Women's Championship (1999 Gold, 1997 Gold, 1994 Gold, 1992 Gold, 1990 Gold) … 3 Nations Cup (1997 Silver, 1996 Gold) … Pacific Rim Championship (1996 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "International development is key for the future of our sport and I watched the 2010 Olympics with so much pride. We have come a long way since 1998 and it is imperative we not lose any ground. I want to contribute in any way possible."


Athlete Ambassador Coordinator

Team Canada: 1993-present (National Women's Team), 1998 (National Women's Under-22 Team)

Medals won: Olympic Winter Games (2010 Gold, 2006 Gold, 2002 Gold, 1998 Silver) … IIHF World Women's Championship (2011 Silver, 2009 Silver, 2008 Silver, 2007 Gold, 2005 Silver, 2004 Gold, 2000 Gold, 1999 Gold, 1997 Gold, 1994 Gold) … 3/4 Nations Cup (2010 Gold, 2009 Gold, 2007 Gold, 2006 Gold, 2005 Gold, 2004 Gold, 2002 Gold, 2001 Gold, 2000 Gold, 1999 Gold, 1997 Silver, 1996 Gold) … Pacific Rim Championship (1996 Gold, 1995 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "It's exciting to be a part of the athlete ambassador program because I feel it will … (help) players from countries 5-14 gain more information and resources to improve their game. Having direct and immediate access to world and Olympic champions is invaluable … and will be an important step in continuing to improve and grow women's hockey around the world."

Coach Mentor, Kazakhstan

Team Canada: 2007-08 (National Women's Team); 2007, 1999-2001 (National Women's Under-22 Team)

Medals won: IIHF World Women's Championship (2008 Silver) … 4 Nations Cup (2007 Gold) … Air Canada Cup (2007 Gold, 1999 Gold)

Why have you joined AMP?: "Help make the game more competitive between nations at the elite level."




For more information:
Kalli Quinn Director, Female National Teams | Équipes nationales féminines