2011 Canada Winter Games

Group A
ON - Ontario
BC - British Columbia
QC - Quebec
NS - Nova Scotia
Group B
MB - Manitoba
AB - Alberta
SK - Saskatchewan
NB - New Brunswick
Group C
NL - Newfoundland and Labrador
PE - Prince Edward Island
YT - Yukon
NT - Northwest Territories

# Time Game/Result Grp Round Venue Location
Saturday, February 12, 2011
1 11:30 AM AT PE 10 - YT 1 C Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
2 11:30 AM AT NL 7 - NT 1 C Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
3 04:00 PM AT BC 4 - QC 5 A Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
4 04:00 PM AT MB 4 - NB 6 B Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
5 07:30 PM AT ON 5 - NS 0 A Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
6 07:30 PM AT AB 4 - SK 0 B Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
7 11:30 AM AT PE 7 - NT 4 C Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
8 11:30 AM AT YT 2 - NL 1 C Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
9 04:00 PM AT AB 6 - NB 5 B Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
10 04:00 PM AT BC 8 - NS 3 A Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
11 07:30 PM AT SK 1 - MB 6 B Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
12 07:30 PM AT QC 3 - ON 2 A Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
Monday, February 14, 2011
13 11:30 AM AT NL 5 - PE 1 C Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
14 11:30 AM AT NT 7 - YT 1 C Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
15 04:00 PM AT NB 3 - SK 5 B Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
16 04:00 PM AT NS 4 - QC 5 A Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
17 07:30 PM AT MB 1 - AB 7 B Preliminary Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
18 07:30 PM AT ON 5 - BC 1 A Preliminary Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
19 04:00 PM AT NS 7 - NL 2 - Qualification Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
20 04:00 PM AT NB 6 - PE 2 - Qualification Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
21 04:00 PM AT QC 4 - SK 3 - Quarter-Final Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
22 04:00 PM AT MB 2 - BC 4 - Quarter-Final Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
23 07:30 PM AT AB 3 - NB 2 - Quarter-Final Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
24 07:30 PM AT ON 5 - NS 3 - Quarter-Final Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
27 11:30 AM AT NL 7 - YT 1 - Placement Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
28 11:30 AM AT PE 8 - NT 3 - Placement Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
25 04:00 PM AT NS 1 - MB 4 - Relegation Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
26 07:30 PM AT NB 0 - SK 4 - Relegation Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
29 04:00 PM AT AB 4 - QC 5 - Semifinal Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
30 07:30 PM AT ON 2 - BC 5 - Semifinal Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
33 11:30 AM AT YT 2 - NT 3 - Placement Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
34 11:30 AM AT PE 6 - NL 3 - Placement Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
Friday, February 18, 2011
31 11:30 AM AT NS 5 - NB 3 - Relegation Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
32 04:00 PM AT MB 3 - SK 2 - Relegation Dartmouth Sportsplex Dartmouth, N.S.
35 04:00 PM AT AB 5 - ON 3 - Bronze Medal Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
36 07:30 PM AT QC 4 - BC 7 - Gold Medal Halifax Metro Centre Halifax, N.S.
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