Hockey Canada Drill Hub

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What is Hockey Canada Drill Hub?

Hockey Canada Drill Hub is a resource for players and coaches of all levels. It has a growing library of drill videos, diagrams and descriptions categorized by skills, age group and other criteria.

How do I use the Hockey Canada Drill Hub?

Searching for drills

You can search for drills by entering a key word, or words, into the search field.

You can filter the drills by using the category selector.

You can use both the search option and category selector together to further refine your search.

Viewing drills

Click on the drill diagram to view a larger diagram of your chosen drill.

Click on the video thumbnail image or 'Watch Drill Video' link to watch a video of your chosen drill.

Click on the 'View Plan' (eyeball) icon at the bottom of your practice plan's drill list to load those drills in the main display area.

Creating and removing practice plans

You must first sign up for a FREE Drill Hub account.

Once you have an account, login using your email address and password.

After you've logged in, you will see a green ‘+’ next to the Practice Plan heading in the right column. Click it to create your first practice plan.

If you want to delete a practice plan, click the trash can icon below the list of drills in your practice plan.

Adding and removing drills from your practice plan

At the top of each drill is a ‘Add to Plan +’ button.

Click it to add your selected drill.

If you have more than one practice plan, you will have the option to select which gets the new drill.

To remove a drill from a practice plan, click in the red ‘x’ to the right of the drill's title in the practice plan drill list.

Sharing practice plans

You can email a link of your chosen practice plan by clicking the ‘Share’ button beneath the list of drills in your practice plan

  • The 'Email' button will load Drill Hub for the recipient, with only the drills from your practice plan. If you use web based email (ex: Gmail), you may need to use the copy function.
  • The 'Copy' button will copy your practice plan link to your computer’s clipboard. You can then paste in another document, social media, Gmail, etc.

Logging Out

Click the ‘close door’ icon beneath your practice plans to log out of Drill Hub.



Help and Feedback

  • Need help building your practice plan?
  • Looking for a specific type of drill?
  • Having problems with the tool or log-in?
  • Have a way to improve Drill Hub?
  • Want to give you general feedback?


CLICK HERE to let your voice be heard.



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